Equipment for Hydrex Chemical solutions

A range of calculators, feed tools, automated controllers and analyzers for chemistry selection, implementation and performance control in utilities and water treatment plants.
Automated Control picture


Hydrex® chemical solutions are backed by a full range of specialized equipment to optimize their performance at any given utility or water asset. These equipment ensure that the formulations are cost-effectively designed and implemented at the right time and at the correct chemical dosage. Our monitoring devices and analyzers combined with digital services secure the results of your water treatment programs and the control of your operations.  




Formulating and validating the selection of the most suitable chemical products according to your specific requirements is key to meeting your water needs. Our chemical solutions include in-house simulation tools and calculators to set the parameters and the operating window for which the treatment program will reach the required technical and economical performance.

Together with the supply of specialty chemicals, Hydrex offers a range of devices that secure their implementation as well as their long-term regulation: 

  • Preparation systems.
  • Storage tanks.
  • Injection and dosing systems.

Measuring the performance of your chemical water treatment program

As performance measurement is key in order to optimize chemical, water and energy consumptions and prevent any damage and efficiency loss in the assets, Hydrex solutions also include specific onstream automated sensors and innovative monitoring tools. 

  • On-site Legionella DNA tests.
  • Online sensors able to detect early-stage biofilm growth, mineral scaling or corrosion.
  • Tools to measure turbidity, chlorine, pH, conductivity, flow, etc. 

Easy to install, these sensors are part of the Hydrex strategy of KPI monitoring including data acquisition through Hydrex controllers and analyzers combined with Hubgrade digital services.

A commitment to sustainability

We are strongly committed to helping our customers minimize their environmental footprint and comply with increasingly stringent regulations on the use of harmful substances in water treatment. We constantly enrich the Hydrex solutions portfolio with greener formulations and alternative equipment. An example is our OSG Hydrex, a chemical-free generator of an oxidizing solution for cooling tower disinfection.